September 1, 2024

How to fix the recent Google Search issue

On August 28-29, Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge released critical updates (versions 128.0.6613.114 and 128.0.2739.54 respectively) which addressed security vulnerabilities. Unfortunately, we've been receiving unusual bug reports since then. While a patch is on the way, here’s how you can tackle the issue in the meantime.

Aw, Snap!


Shortly after the problem arose, we started receiving numerous 1-star ratings. Many people have happily used Dark Reader for years, yet this is how they respond. Not only do 99.9% of users ignore our calls for financial support. But some even go further by ruining our rating and placement in the store. Please remember that there are real people behind the app, and such behavior from our users is deeply demotivating.

Angry feedback

The best way to report an issue is by emailing us with screenshots and steps to reproduce the problem. Tech-savvy users can also report issues on GitHub. Thanks to the user who has recorded a video, so that we could finally see where to begin.

Some say that Dark Reader has become worse and slower, but the truth is quite the opposite. Over the past year, we’ve implemented massive performance enhancements and significant memory optimizations. Yet, the web itself is evolving rapidly—web applications are growing more complex, standards and frameworks are constantly shifting, and websites are demanding more and more resources.

RAM usage comparison
The browser tab on the left consumes 400MB of RAM (the browser consumes 900MB RAM). On the right is an intense 3D video game running on a console with 32MB RAM (YT@JohnGlasscock).

We are relentlessly refining the app's engine, making it faster, more reliable, and ready to tackle new challenges. Meanwhile, our efforts to enhance theme customization continue at full speed. We deliver the best service possible within our budget and often go above and beyond—working tirelessly, even on holidays and weekends.

If you ask, "How can I support such a great service?" we have an answer. We’re now offering easy payment options: PayPal and Stripe (for card transactions). If you haven't supported us yet and have been using Dark Reader for a while, now is the perfect time for a one-time payment.

Google Search problem

Demonstration of the Aw,Snap issue

The problem occurs due to a scrollbar color change on the Google Search website and primarily affects Windows user. If your browser window is small, you may encounter the "Aw, Snap" error when switching between the Google Search menus. The Chromium bug has been reported and number 363544341 was assigned. You can star the issue to draw more attention from the Chromium developers.

We have already made a patch in version 4.9.90 🎉🎉🎉 and are currently awaiting manual review from the Google and Microsoft Store teams.

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How to fix the problem

Update for Microsoft Edge: the version 4.9.90 has passed the review after our request on September 2 and should be available in the Store shortly 🎉🎉🎉! Google refused to perform an expedited review, despite the issue being on Google's side. The fix hasn't been reviewed since the morning of September 1.

Update for Google Chrome: the version 4.9.90 has passed the review and is available in the Store.

There are several solutions, choose what suits you better.

  1. Simply wait for a few days until the patch arrives. Maximize your browser window to avoid triggering the issue. Check Dark Reader version number at More, All settings, About, Version. The patch should arrive in version 4.9.90.

  2. Go to chrome://flags (or edge://flags) page. Search for #view-transition-on-navigation flag and Disable it. Restart the browser. Revert to the Default option after our patch arrives.

viewTransition API for navigation
  1. The next tip is for advanced users, do at your own risk.
  1. If Google Search appears with its own dark theme, activate Dark Theme Detection option in Dark Reader. This feature was significantly improved in latest releases.
Dark Theme Detection

The issue should be resolved if you choose any of these methods. If you continue to experience problems with Google Search, please contact us.